Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Dear friends, family, supporters, and anyone interested in CARE for AIDS or my adventure to Kenya,

Welcome to my blog! This is my first venture into the blogging world, and while I can't guarantee riveting or life-changing reading material, I am so excited about relaying to all of you what God does with my life and this amazing organization. I will be using this medium to pass along stories (both of the inspirational kind and the lion-chasing kind), prayer requests, updates on the progress of CARE for AIDS, personal information on what this experience means to me, and pictures of all these things.

If you would like more information on the organization that I am working for in Kenya, please visit www.careforaids.org or ask my any questions you might have!

I am currently at home in Charlotte preparing and fundraising to leave the States on August 13th and move to the CFA house in Limuru, Kenya. I will be there until May 2010, with a short visit back to the US for Christmas. During the next three weeks, I would love your prayers for faith and trust in God's provision as I try to raise the necessary funds to pay my salary. I am also praying for the proper perspective and mindset when I arrive in Kenya - that God would give me a heart that is void of expectations and is entirely open to His will for my time there.

My excitement is growing daily, and I can feel the African sunrise calling my name stronger each time I share my plans. Thank you for joining with me in this journey--I hope that this blog will provide you with something worthwhile and point your heart to the perfect love of our Lord!

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