Thursday, January 14, 2010

Only in Kenya...

It seems that whenever I arrive in Kenya, something ridiculous happens to welcome me back to the country. In August, my first day back was marked by seeing a car get t-boned by a freight train - the kind of thing that only happens in movies. Yesterday I had a similar experience...

Just outside our house the road takes a sharp, downward turn. This curve is the sight of many accidents, especially with the combination of human, donkey, motorcycle, car, and truck traffic that routinely careens around the turn at top speed. Yesterday, Cornel was riding on a motorcycle taxi in this very curve when he watched the big cargo truck in front of him swerve to avoid a donkey cart, then flip over on it's side, skidding to a halt blocking most of the road. Cornel jumped off the motorcycle and ran to open the door to the cab of the truck, helping the three ocupants out onto the ground. He quickly learned, though, that there was another man in the enclosed cargo area of the truck, so all four of them went back to try and open the door. After struggling with the big metal door for a little bit, it finally opened to reveal a full cargo of fresh, wet cow manure. The passenger was entirely BURIED in the manure, and after a bit of digging with a bucket Cornel found him unconscious, but alive. The man was rushed to the hospital where he was apparently found to be fine. I drove up on the accident about this time, and Cornel related the whole story to me in the nonchalant manner of a person who sees this kind of thing every day.

As Americans, we definitely DON'T see this kind of thing every day! I am still trying to understand why a person would ride in the enclosed cargo compartment of a truck filled with manure - does that sound like a good idea to anyone? How can we even start to imagine what it felt like for the truck to crash and for the man to find himself completely buried in the stuff?? This is just one example of the things that I don't think I'll ever understand about this crazy country. Every day brings something new and exciting!

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