Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Keep on Praying

Last night the two Kenyan CARE for AIDS Directors, Cornel and Duncan, returned to Kenya from a three-week trip to the States. Besides being amused by the fact that there were two Americans waiting in the crowd to pick up two Kenyans and drive them home from the airport (opposite of the norm), they were full of stories about the wonderland that is America. As soon as we got back to the house, a few other members of the staff came over and wanted to know all about the trip. I expected Cornel and Duncan to start off talking about American food, the big cities they were in, or all of the crazy experiences that happened, but instead their first stories started like this:

"Man, I tell you the thing that I saw more than anything on this trip, is that there are so many people all around America praying for CFA. Everywhere we went, people said to us, 'We are praying for your work,' and when we looked into their faces, we knew that they really meant it."

I know that you guys reading this are some of those people that so touched Cornel and Duncan by their commitment to prayer, and I hope you realize that everyone here appreciates it a great deal. Please take this as an encouragement that the time you spend asking God to bless this ministry is time well spent. Know that each member of our staff in Kenya is blessed by the knowledge that you are praying - we know that none of the fruit we are seeing could come about without God's blessing and provision, and we believe that your prayers play an integral role in the change that is taking place in people's lives.

So we all want to say, "Asante sana kwa omba yako," which roughly translated means, "Thank you for your prayers!"

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