Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Round Two!

Just wanted to drop a quick note as I finish up all of my packing and preparing, because tomorrow morning I start the long journey back to Limuru! I know that I'll miss some of the beautiful things about America (people, food, and efficiency come to mind), but I'm really excited to be back in Africa and return to the in's and out's of what CARE for AIDS is doing on a daily basis. I'm also extra-excited because I'll be picking up Jane along the way in Detroit - I'm not sure if she quite knows what she's signed up for in 10 months of Kenya, but we can't wait to figure it out along the way!

I'd love your prayers for the next few days. This trip is never an easy one, but I'd appreciate it if you could pray for on-time flights, nice immigration officials, and baggage that actually arrives when we get there. Please pray too that both Jane's and my heart would be prepared for all that God has in store this year and that everything gets off on the right foot!

I'm looking forward to blogging more consistently once I get back to Kenya, and I know that God is going to bring about some amazing things for me to share, so stay tuned...

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